angin musim ini bernyanyi
mendendangkan notnot rasa resah
begitu anggun
diiringi tarian kelabu sang maut
remang cahaya lilin
kutulis katakata ini
mencoba menata hurufhuruf keresahanku
kesendirianku begitu kelabu
membeku diselimuti kelambu
dan langit begitu gelap
menggambarkan siluet masa laluku satu persatu
apakah aku yang takut mengakui segala luka dan duka ini?
aku tertawa berlumuran air mata
sudahlah sudah,
biarkan aku sendiri saja
dan relakan saja semua masa lalu menjadi debu
kuhembus menuju langit paling tinggi
menjelma menjadi bintang
dan setiap mata akan menatapnya sebagai mimpi hitam
dari seorang yang kalah
angin musim ini tak berhenti bernyanyi
mengiringi hurufhuruf terakhirku
yang kususun menjadi semesta baru
semesta kecilku
semesta baru bagi cinta dan mimpi
aku mati
lalu hidup lagi
26 April 2009
24 April 2009
jangan pernah mencoba untuk merubah kami
jangan sekalikali
jangan pernah menjejali anak cucu kami
dengan dogma dan aturan moral kalian
yang sempit dan membosankan
tanah ini belumur darah kami
adalah arwah leluhur yang bersemayam di dalam
diri kami
jangan berlagak menjadi pionir
yang merekomendasikan artikulasi baru akan kebenaran
kami tak butuh juru selamat
yang menjanjikan surga yang baru kepada kami
kami adalah pengawal pintu gerbang kebhinekaan
kami adalah bagian yang indah dari perbedaan
kami adalah anak bangsa
dan darah kami mengalir di dalamnya
atas nama perbedaan, perdamaian dan cinta
dan kami bertanya siapa diri kalian
berani merekonstruksi wajah kami dan mereka
menuju fasisme sempit atas nama agama dan tuhan
jangan sekalikali
jangan pernah menjejali anak cucu kami
dengan dogma dan aturan moral kalian
yang sempit dan membosankan
tanah ini belumur darah kami
adalah arwah leluhur yang bersemayam di dalam
diri kami
jangan berlagak menjadi pionir
yang merekomendasikan artikulasi baru akan kebenaran
kami tak butuh juru selamat
yang menjanjikan surga yang baru kepada kami
kami adalah pengawal pintu gerbang kebhinekaan
kami adalah bagian yang indah dari perbedaan
kami adalah anak bangsa
dan darah kami mengalir di dalamnya
atas nama perbedaan, perdamaian dan cinta
dan kami bertanya siapa diri kalian
berani merekonstruksi wajah kami dan mereka
menuju fasisme sempit atas nama agama dan tuhan
walking alone on this alleyway
walking alone on this silent road of my memories
the night is creeping slow
where'd they go?
the sky is dark
totally dark
all of my past is turning back
altho I don't wanna think about that
I don't wanna think about you
but I can't stop it coming in my head
walking alone on this alleyway
staring at this wall
I feel this night is colder than before
colder than the times
she was here
they were here
spending more alcohol and pleasures
and at last they went away
let me falling down into a deepest valley
of the lonely and darkness
I miss those laughs
I miss her smiles
I miss the good times we had
and I hate to asking to myself
why they had to end these things
why they had to go away
let me being alone
I hate to asking what the reason is
but I couldn't give up to do that anymore
walking alone on this alleyway
I'm walking along
trying to leave their shadows far behind
I'm staring down
and keep walking along
walking alone on this silent road of my memories
the night is creeping slow
where'd they go?
the sky is dark
totally dark
all of my past is turning back
altho I don't wanna think about that
I don't wanna think about you
but I can't stop it coming in my head
walking alone on this alleyway
staring at this wall
I feel this night is colder than before
colder than the times
she was here
they were here
spending more alcohol and pleasures
and at last they went away
let me falling down into a deepest valley
of the lonely and darkness
I miss those laughs
I miss her smiles
I miss the good times we had
and I hate to asking to myself
why they had to end these things
why they had to go away
let me being alone
I hate to asking what the reason is
but I couldn't give up to do that anymore
walking alone on this alleyway
I'm walking along
trying to leave their shadows far behind
I'm staring down
and keep walking along

when her daddy is killed
by those bullets
in the front of her eyes
she asked to the high sky
why they took her mommy away
and call her as son of the robber
she didn't undestand
never understand
she ran so fast
when the bullets were going out from those weapons
looking for a saved place
with no her parents beside herself
she's bored
to hear the bomb
to see the rockets
to lose everything
to pray when it will over
she cried
but the world didn't hear that
14 April 2009
At last, di bawah tekanan kesibukan segala macam tetek bengek, Street Poems chapter 2 berhasil terbit. Setelah nyaris 2 bulan menguras ide dan banyak berduskusi dengan sahabat-sahabat tentang tema dan wajah baru blog ini, akhirnya keinginan saya agar Street Poems lahir kembali dengan segala hal yang baru dapat terwujud.
where are you the angel?
where are you when I feel so alone?
where are you when they leave me here in the hatred?
the sky of this night is going darker
the rain is falling down
when I look around
just the tears,
broken glasses,
and the evil is surrounding me
the hatred is running wild
where are you God?
where are you when the night let me being alone?
where are you when there's no one hears my scream?
I break the lamp
likes the times broke my heart
likes they stole the faith from my hand
and I always tried hide all of my pain
like a hypocrisy
like an idiot used the mask of the hero
one, two, three
I count seconds to the midnight
I look up the dark sky, God
looking for you
and I feel
you're a million miles away from me tonight
where are you when I feel so alone?
where are you when they leave me here in the hatred?
the sky of this night is going darker
the rain is falling down
when I look around
just the tears,
broken glasses,
and the evil is surrounding me
the hatred is running wild
where are you God?
where are you when the night let me being alone?
where are you when there's no one hears my scream?
I break the lamp
likes the times broke my heart
likes they stole the faith from my hand
and I always tried hide all of my pain
like a hypocrisy
like an idiot used the mask of the hero
one, two, three
I count seconds to the midnight
I look up the dark sky, God
looking for you
and I feel
you're a million miles away from me tonight
let me kiss you before you fall into the nice dream
let me close your eyes before the angels bring you down to the dream land
where the sky always bright
where you can be a cinderella
with the glass shoes
and you will look so beautiful
you did so much
make me feel braver day by day
make me be a stronger man
but you never know
you never know that you're my little saint
my little angel
saved me from those bad thing
and until the morning will shines
I don't wanna loose my embrace from you
I don't wanna miss a most beautiful times with you
I will always beside you
because I feel better when I know
you keep your smile just for me
for my little saint Anyelir Martha
let me close your eyes before the angels bring you down to the dream land
where the sky always bright
where you can be a cinderella
with the glass shoes
and you will look so beautiful
you did so much
make me feel braver day by day
make me be a stronger man
but you never know
you never know that you're my little saint
my little angel
saved me from those bad thing
and until the morning will shines
I don't wanna loose my embrace from you
I don't wanna miss a most beautiful times with you
I will always beside you
because I feel better when I know
you keep your smile just for me
for my little saint Anyelir Martha
wanita itu
sendirian duduk termangu
di kursi panjang di taman kota
tatapannya berlari mencoba menggapai langit
di sore yang muram
semuram parasnya
apakah dia menunggu malaikat
turun dari lazuardi dan mengecup lembut bibirnya?
lalu membisikkan kalimat suci dari surga
yang mampu membasahi seluruh nuraninya
yang begitu kerontang?
dia menunduk
ketika gerimis memukuli dirinya
tapi wanita itu,
tidak goyah
begitu kokoh
tak beranjak dari duduknya
dan perlahan kudengar lirih bisikannya
bersama semilir angin yang menusuk tulang
seakan keluar dari jurang gelap yang begitu dalam
namun entah di ditujukan pada siapa,
"keterasingan telah mengajariku sesuatu"
sendirian duduk termangu
di kursi panjang di taman kota
tatapannya berlari mencoba menggapai langit
di sore yang muram
semuram parasnya
apakah dia menunggu malaikat
turun dari lazuardi dan mengecup lembut bibirnya?
lalu membisikkan kalimat suci dari surga
yang mampu membasahi seluruh nuraninya
yang begitu kerontang?
dia menunduk
ketika gerimis memukuli dirinya
tapi wanita itu,
tidak goyah
begitu kokoh
tak beranjak dari duduknya
dan perlahan kudengar lirih bisikannya
bersama semilir angin yang menusuk tulang
seakan keluar dari jurang gelap yang begitu dalam
namun entah di ditujukan pada siapa,
"keterasingan telah mengajariku sesuatu"
all of the worries that we had since we know
the saviour will never come
we will be a loner for a longer times
never hide your tears behind your smiles
and look out the window
the rain is falling down
all our past stories will never heal the pains and
and here we are tonight
walking alone on this alleyway
all they're gone
let us felt down
just never be a pretender
show our pains,
our loneliness
because mate,
the time can't hide this all
the saviour will never come
we will be a loner for a longer times
never hide your tears behind your smiles
and look out the window
the rain is falling down
all our past stories will never heal the pains and
and here we are tonight
walking alone on this alleyway
all they're gone
let us felt down
just never be a pretender
show our pains,
our loneliness
because mate,
the time can't hide this all
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